Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Collateral Murder Reaction


                                                                    Photo: IMDB

The Collateral Murder video was meant to demonstrate the problems of war and the inaccuracies that lead to catastrophic death. The video started by telling the viewers a little bit about some of the victims and their career, one of whom was Namir Noor-Eldeen who was an acclaimed Iraq war photographer. 

                                                                       Photo: The Week

His and some of his colleagues were going out to shoot some shoots for the day when they were spotted by a Military drone. You can hear in the video that the officers are discussing the best force of action to attack the people on the ground. They finally say that they are carrying guns however, it is actually a camera. After they rain down gun shots effectively killing everyone on the street they notice Namir Noor-Eldeen trying to escape however, he is shot and fatally killed. 

                                                                Photo: The New York Times

Once Officers touch down on the scene they noice that there are two children in the back of the failed resume van. The children are injured and taken to a hospital. This video was extremely difficult to watch because of the things that are taking place in the video. However, what makes it worse is the way that the military officers are talking about the deceased in question. Even though they think they just killed “Military Insurgent’s” it still doesn’t give  seem right to be laughing about having taken a life. Though this video is hard to watch it brings light to many harsh realities and flaws within the military community. 

                                                                   Photo: New York Daily News

The main one being the fact that our military need to make sure that their intel is rock solid. The video equipment they are using doesn’t have very high resolution so for the officers to repeatedly say that they were carrying assault rifles is just impossible to tell. Additionally the way that the drone shots were doing out it wasn’t controlled at all there were shots going everywhere which opens up the door for many innocent people to be killed which we saw happen. This video was extremely eye opening and It helps start important conversations about the future.

Monday, May 2, 2022

EOTO #4 : Barbra Ehrenreich

                                                                   Photo: The New York Times

Barbra Ehrenreich is considered to be a trailblazer in the Journalism Community. She was born in Montana in 1941 she moved around a lot due to financial issues. She would later go on to attend Reed Collage In Portland. There she would go on to change her major about three times until she finally got a degree in biology.

                                                                      Photo: NPR

She later became a mother and that was when she really discovered her passion for writing as well as her concern with women’s health. So she decided to quit her job that she had at the time as a teacher and peruse her writing career full time. This caused her to face financial hardship however, she got her first big break when she wrote a piece for Ms. Magazine. Her piece was on the myth that the feminism movement was the root cause  of  women’s health issues. Their was the beginning  of her reputation for myth busting.

                                                            Photo: Allen and Unwin

Though she is a renowned essayist and Journalist she is known for her bestsellers. Specifically her Book titled Nickel and Dimmed’ her goal was to expose the problems with the minimum wage and the way that it created a huge pay gap in America. In order to prove this she went undercover and applied for certain minimum wage paying jobs. She did this by creating a normal resume without all of her accreditations, then once she go the job she lived her life as though she was a  low income worker. For example, she worked as a waitress, and lived financially as best she could as a waitress and only used the money form that job to pay her bills. Additionally, she worked as a nursing home aid, Walmart Employee, and finally as a maid. 

                                                                Photo: The New York Times

This is how she got her title as a veteran Muckrucker, she is known for her passions for social injustice. As well as her passions for equal rights and equal opportunities and social issues such as ‘Toxic Positivity’. Since then she has written and been punished in many newspapers. A few of the most notable being The Guardian,  The New York Times, as well as The Nation. She has gone down in the list of some of the most influential Journalist of all times. To this day she continues to make an impact.


                                                               Photo: The New Yorker 

Extra Post: What a Girl Desires in the Beginning


                                                            Photo:Teen Vogue 

What does a girl desire? What inspires her?  These are straightforward questions. Yet, since I personally am a girl you would think it would be quite simple for me to answer. However, it took me some time to really think back to what I truly wanted out of life. Not just now but from the beginning; what did I want, who did I want to be and what did I want to become. After some intensive research which consisted of some light soul searching and asking my best friend her opinion, I narrowed down a few basic things that every girl wants from the very beginning of life that have remained consistent up until this point. Those being acceptance, self-worth, a purpose and last but not least, love. Though the last one is painstakingly cliche, it is nonetheless true.

Out of all these desires I would say “acceptance” is one of the hardest things to battle with when you are a young girl. It feels like everyone is against you and you feel like you cannot trust yourself all at the same time. Being a young girl comes with a territory of its own. For starters, you have all these dreams and aspirations, some change and evolve over the years while others are not quite as easy to shake. Although, along with your own passions you have the expectations of family, friends, and the world around you. For some girls it is the world and the desire to be liked and accepted by everyone. For others it is the ones they love and those that are closest to them; personally, I struggle with both of these notions.

When I was younger, I relied heavily on what my family thought of me and what they wanted from me and for me. As I got older, I became obsessed with what people at school would think if I did this or that or what I was wearing. And heaven forbid if a boy looked in my direction because that could provoke a mental rabbit hole of its own. I used to struggle with wanting to be accepted for my makeup and my fashion trends, but never for who I was as a person. I think every girl can relate to trying a winged liner for the first time and feeling your eye burn from wiping it off for the fifth time in a row. Hoping maybe, just maybe, no one will notice that one is crooked and the other has a different shape. Or sweating and being out of breath in the Forever 21 dressing room after trying to get into or get out of your first pair of skinny jeans. Trying so hard to have the Beyonce body and faking the Michelle Obama confidence has been a struggle of its own.

The one thing that all these situations were missing was my own personal self-worth. It’s not that I didn't think I had value, I just did not yet respect myself enough to be honest about what I wanted or who I was. At times it feels as if people are against you but, you must be true to who you are above all else and just forget what the rest of the world has to say about it. Being free like this and feeling completely empowered in this way made it a lot easier for me to find out who I was as a person as well as my passions in life.

A girl finding her purpose in life and love somewhat go hand-in-hand; at least for me both do. Personally, I am someone that plans and thinks, and at times overthink everything… and I mean everything. Especially when I was younger, I would play with my dolls and fantasize about being a teacher, having a family, a huge house, and living a fairytale life. To be truly honest, I am still that way but now I can see the reality past all the imaginary harp music, clouds, and rainbows. However, the more I embraced the person that I truly am I was able to realize my passion and purpose in life.

I was inspired by Oprah Winfrey to pursue a career in writing and journalism. I remember watching her show every day after school. There was one particular episode that aired where Miss. Winfrey empowered me to finally decide on becoming a Journalist. In that episode she went to a town that had not had a Black resident in years due to racism. She knew the risks and how it could possibly be dangerous since she was a Black woman herself, yet she still went because she cared about the conversation it could start. I had never seen someone who was so famous do something so fearless at the time and it motivated me to have the same mentality in my own life. It is hard being a young girl in a society that does not look at you or your dreams as being worthy of attention. Most of my friends, and myself included, have already in some way worked so hard to be heard and seen as not just an equal but simply for who we are. Fearless and bold young women.

Every girl longs for a purpose and when you find it, it is not easy to fulfill it. When I finally realized that I wanted to be a writer it took a lot of hard work and dedication. I still have so much learning to do but I love it, so I owe it to myself to see it through to its fullest extent.

As I said earlier, I know it sounds cliche but every young girl at some point in time desires to fall in love. But love does not necessarily require being poisoned by an apple or falling into a comatose state, contrary to some of the books we all read. Love can be just that, love. Every young woman reaches a point in her life where she truly learns to love herself as well as fully appreciate the ones around her. I love myself and the person that I am becoming, but I could have never done it without first being that little girl who wanted everything.

The women around me like my mother, and my sister, encouraged me to be strong and fearless because they, too, know what it is like to feel powerless and that certainly is no way to live. My mom always taught me that I should always speak up for myself and fight to be heard, even when I did not want to. So, when you feel like you cannot do something or you think you are asking too much of yourself or the world, just think back to that little girl you used to be. Because through her eyes there was nothing she could not imagine doing.

Extra Post: In the Silence


                                                        Photo: The Yoga Ground

I have always been a self-dependent person. I tend to handle matters personally and I’m not too proud to admit that at times I overestimate my own limits. With that in mind my relationship with God has been one of give and take, and at times it has felt like a game of tug of war. I give just a little bit away to him but not too much that I can’t take it all back if it gets too uncomfortable, too vulnerable. 

To make matters worse, I hadn’t even realized that I was in this never-ending battle. That’s the thing about being in darkness, eventually your eyes adjust, and you forget that at once, it was hard to see. I have always suffered from anxiety. It is hard being a person who prefers to be in control and yet I am at times a slave to my own body. Growing up I came from a strong Baptist family of confident people who were always so sure and secure in their faith. I wasn’t supposed to struggle with my faith and with surrendering to God. 

I felt hopeless that I would never feel normal or see a way out. It wasn’t until I was having Bible study with a co-worker that a whole life’s worth of confusion finally clicked for me. I was telling my co-worker about struggles I was having with my faith, and I kept repeating the same phrases, “I’m working on it,” “I haven’t overcome that sin yet, but I’m working on it,” “I haven’t softened my heart to this person yet, but I’m working on it.” 

Finally, he interrupted me and said something I will never forget. He said “ Kamryan, I hear you saying you’ll work on it a lot, but have you ever thought about letting God work on it for you?” That sentence stopped me dead in my tracks. Before then, I had always thought of growth with God as an offering or a gift basket. For example, you recognize your problem, work on it intrinsically, and then give it all to God in a neat little bow for approval. Never to be dealt with again, from that point on you would be freed in him. Not once had I thought of arriving at his feet a complete and utter mess.

 That talk propelled my faith immensely. That same week I prayed for the Lord to break me. It was a scary prayer, but I felt like it was necessary, because I wanted to see personal growth within my spirit.  I asked him to simply use me and take me anywhere, because anything was better than dealing with all my stress and anxiety, all the weight of my salvation on my shoulders alone. I proceeded to have the worst week of my life. Everything became out of my control, and I still reached for the reigns of my own life even after I had surrendered to God. 

One night, I turned to scripture, and I found the verses Matthew 11:28-30 which says, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yolk is easy and my burden is light.” I immediately broke down and cried the happiest tears, that verse spoke so deeply to me that I knew I was meant to read it at that moment. I felt like I could exhale for the first time in my life because I knew God would always be there to catch me. 

Since then, life has changed so much for me. I moved to college where I now live with people, I had no clue existed this time last year but have become very near to my heart. I will admit in the beginning it was difficult, I had never had to be around people who didn’t think and believe everything I did. 

After my first month here at High Point I was walking around campus just getting my thoughts together. I wanted to call someone and try to distract myself and shake this feeling I was having; however, I knew I just needed to sit and rest in it. As I walked down the promenade, I realized that I was standing outside the chapel. I thought the doors would be locked, so I didn’t attempt going in. Instead, I just sat outside on a bench. It was midnight, and I was alone with nothing but my thoughts. The fountains had just shut off leaving only the light sound of nearby crickets. It was in that silence that I felt God. 

I closed my eyes, and I just spoke to him. I let him know that I was scared and that I couldn’t promise perfection in the coming months as I navigated this new life, even though I knew he would never ask that of me. I prayed that I would always try, and that he would grant me strength.

Whenever I have felt broken God has always been there to comfort me. No matter how far away I strayed he would always be waiting there with loving arms. It is his boundless love that will always pull me out of darkness. Whenever I am feeling lost or if ever, I forget what his voice sounds like, I try to think back to those moments. In the silence, where it was just me and him and it always lets my heart know that everything will be okay. 

Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Good Night and Good Luck Review


                                                                Photo: Rotten Tomatoes 

The film Good Hight and Good Luck was a full that was written and directed by George Clooney and Grand Heslov. The film takes place in the late 50’s and it tells the story of  CBS reporter Edward Murrow and his producer Fred Friendly. Throughout the film they talk about the the current communist scandal with a senator who was campaigning. Edward Murrow in the film has a hard time battling with what to do with the information he discovers and the best way to handle the situation. Furthermore, it follows different employees and the way that exposing and talking about the senator has effected their job. 



                                                                    Photo: The Guardian 

The movie was very interesting because it gave a glimpse into the life of journalists at the time and they ways they worked. It also showed how at the time they have a lot stricter rules and a lot more red tape. Especially on the things that they said. I particularly enjoyed one scene when one of the main characters Edward Murrow drops a huge bomb on his show and during that time viewers were allowed to call in.   


                                                                            Photo: MUBI

However, after he did this there are no calls coming in so everyone is scrambling around trying to figure out whey there are no call coming in. Especially since some of them put heir jobs on the line. Until one of the employees realizes that the has something unplugged and then the calls start flooding in. I really enjoyed their movie because it showed the hard work and dedication that  journalists put into their work at that time they didn’t have all of the resources that we have today so they hade to work diligently to ensure their work and information was well vetted.

EOTO Reaction : The Satire of Political Cartoons



                                                                        Photo: Insider

Today’s presentation spoke about cartoonists and the way they work with the news. Cartooning seems like a family easy going job, however over the years with certain political and global changes cartooning has had a lot of power. In most older newspapers there would be a cartoon section, the illustrated would make drawling of something light hearted that would ultimately have a deeper meaning under the joke. However over the years it has developed into a very powerful ways to speak out about certain issues and it has also been used to perpetuate propaganda especially in war times. However the problem with these cartoons is that they were often offensive. 

                                                                       Photo: Open Culture 

The first cartoons started around 1754 by Benjamin Franklin, the cartoon was created to persuade people to join a colony. The cartoon said ‘Join or Die’ which depicted a snake that was divided up into pieces to represent the different colonies. In a way it is the first illustration of propaganda because it sparked concern in the people who read it and it caused action in them. 

                                                                Photo: Benjamin Franklin 

Though today majority of them are purely satirical and manly political and they usually make fun of certin political figures or our current state in the world. For example during Former President Donald Trump’s time in office there were many cartoons made of him because his time in office was very controversial. Especially towards the end of his presidency once the pandemic picked up. Though the cartoons can be very informative for the public to keep up with the current topics though the shouldn’t be taken seriously as a pure form of news since it is comedy at the end of the day. 

                                                                    Photo: The Denver Post 

We learned also in the presentation that the cartoonists have an association known as the AAEC or the American Association of Editorial Cartoonist. This association mainly prompts the work of the people who are featured on the website. It also acts as a way for the public to go on their website and look at the different pieces. Overall cartoonists are a very necessary job because they offer a break from the heaviness of of the news and media in general. And although hey do touch on real topics we face everyday, the creative illustrations  help ease the blow of them. 

                                                                    Photo: The Mercury News

Monday, April 25, 2022

EOTO Response: Anonymous Sources

 In the world of Journalism the main way that we get information for our work is though using different types of sources. It is best to use a direct source, which is someone who is credible with a story that can be proven and has no reason to lie. This can at times be tricky however, that is where our skills as journalists come alive. 

Today a group presented an EOTO on the history of Journalist using anonymous sources. They went over the times journalists have used it and it has gone well. For example, with the infamous Nixon Watergate scandal we learned about how the the journalist who covered that story made good use of his anonymous source. A source who at the time was only known as ‘Deep Throat’, it later came out that it was a former FBI agent who was thought to be but was never confirmed to be the anonymous source. They met in secured and they were able to communicate that way and it resulted in a helpful story that exposed Nixion’s crimes. 

                                                                Photo: Peter Osnos

However on the other end of this the group also went over a Journalist who didn’t make good use of her anonymous sources, who in fact were never real in the first place. Janet Cooke was an American journalist who published a story in the Washington Post Titled “Jimmy’s World”, it was advertised as an account of a young Black boy who was struggling with his heroin addiction. This story caused outrage because people were looking for the boy who was being so neglected by his parents that he would have the opportunity to become a heroin addict at the age of eight. 

The story was so sensational that Cooke even went on to win a Pulitzer Prize for it. However, it was later discovered that the story was completely fabricated. Janet Cooke would go in to loose her job and her credibility however, it started a larger conversation about the way journalists work and the ways and times that they are allowed to use anonymous sources. Before class today I had never heard of this case or known about this anonymous source standard that Journalist have now. Overall, I found it to be informative as well as widely fascinating. 

Sunday, April 24, 2022

EOTO Reaction: Trial By Media



In the eyes of the law the way we make decisions often has a lot to do with trial. A person is accused of something and then they go before a judge and a jury and they tell their side and the evidence is supposed to speak for itself. This is theoretically how justice is supposed to work. However, what happens when the media gets a whiff of a murder trial or an impressive embezzling scheme that almost worked.

It can begin to get somewhat out of the hands of the Judge and Jury because the media has now spoken, with the huge headlines and ongoing articles. This has led to the phenomenon known as a “Trial by Media”. This phenomenon was probably seen the most in the O.J Simpson case.

                                                                            Photo: LA Times

O.J Simpson was a famous NFL Player who was accused of killing his ex-wife Nicole Brown Simpson and her friend Ronald Goldman. Shortly after her death her ex-husband O.J Simpson’s trial started. It quickly became the case of the century it was televised which allowed the public to make their own mind about the case. This allowed the public and the media to sensationalize the case and turn it into the infamous case we know today.

                                                                    Photos: People Magizine

The phrase trial by media perfectly explains this case, a trial that was meant to only be in the courts ended up being broadcasted for the world to see. Effectively the social repercussions of the case is what trial by media ultimately means. Even though O.J Simpson was acquitted of the charges against Nicole Brown Simpson, he still ended up going to jail anyway for separate charges. However, the public had already decided that he was guilty in their own eyes. We see this happen even today when certin crimes happen in the news the people have such harsh social repercussions that follow the person even enter the crime or the story is long over. Weather the person was found guilty or innocent in the legal courts or not. 


This topic Is extremely interesting and it attempts to take a deeper look at human behavior and at the way we see and judge things. It also causes us as people to take a better look at the way the media portrays cases. It also starts a bigger conversation of cancel couture and the way society condemns people socially. 

Sunday, April 10, 2022

EOTO #3 : The Trouble With Paparazzi


                                                              Photo: An Other Magazine 

 When you think of the paparazzi you generally instantly think of antsy mobs of people following the Kardashians or shouting at people on the read carpet. Though those things do happen, who really known when the paparazzi originated or what their original purpose. It seems as though they have always been there. For starters the word Paparazzi comes from an Italian origin of the word Paparazzo. The first ever paparazzi photographer was Tazio Secchiaroli, he was a photographer in Rome in the 50’s. 

    At this time magazines wanted to get photos of celebrities living their everyday lives. Before this celebrities just walked around and lived their lives without having to be photographed in the same way that they are now. So once magazines put this out Photographers started going out an following celebrities in order to get shots of them for any Magazine who would buy them. Ever since then, the paparazzi and celebrities have had a complicated relationship. Many celebrities often complain about the presence of the paparazzi because they say that it prevents them from living their normal lives. However celebrities also tip of the paparazzi when they want to be seen or need the publicity. 

                                                                    Photo: I-stock Photo

    However though the paparazzi is a normal practice and it helps feed a lot of new for pop culture magazine’s and TV shows there have always been questions as to its legality. For example the way some paparazzi have aggressively followed celebrities and even trespassed to get the perfect shot. Because of this many celebrities have taken legal action. For instance filing harassment charges against them for the at times excessive following or the mistreatment of some celebrities children. However, being a paparazzi photographer is actually legal there are just certain regulations they have to follow. For example, they are not trespass in order to get the shot, take photos in public rest use or in secured areas, and finally at a crime scene. If these rules are violates they could possible be arrested. They also are not allowed to do anything that would require them to get any photos that would require them to put away one in danger. 

                                                                Photo: The Independent 

    This was the result of the death of Princes Diana who died after trying to evade the paparazzi. Her car flipped and she sustained injuries that would later lead to hear death in the operating room. Ever since that tragic accident in 1997 the paparazzi have had a bad reputation in the eyes of many. Some people think that that was just an unfortunate accident that shouldn’t speak for the field in its entirety. Were as others feel that it should have been the last trap of many. All of this raises a bigger question as to weather or not the paparatzi do more harm than good. Should we as the people have a right to know what celebrities do in their off time since we are what keeps them in the lie light? Or should they get to go home the same way we do at night and be just like a normal person? 

Sunday, March 20, 2022

EOTO #2 Terms:The Black Press


                                                            Photo: Zin Education Project 

In 1690 when the first newspaper was published the world of Journalism was no place for minorities. Slavery was still in effect in the north and would be until 1804. So, this meant that there was no representation for women or people of color. The first Black Owned and operated newspaper was the Freedom Journal. It was founded by Samuel E. Cornish and John B. Russwurm in 1827. This also makes much more of an impact because it was right after slavery was abolished.  


One of the main contributions that this paper was that it helped newly freed African American men and women learn about what was going on in society. The paper also worked to improve conditions for African American men and women. The goal of the paper was also to educate other minorities and people who were not minorities on the issues that the Black community was facing. The paper would have a two-year run; however, it was a great steppingstone for many Black Owned and operated newspapers.  


                                                                    Photo: Wikipedia

A particularly infamous Black owned and operated newspaper was The North Star which was founded by Fredric Douglas. Fredric Douglas was a former slave who escaped and dedicated his life to being an abolitionist. Not only for the abolishment of slavery but also for equal rights for Black men and women as well as women. This wet his apart from other abolishers because there were lots of people who wanted to end discrimination against African American men and women, however, there were not that many people who were fighting for the equal treatment of women. The North Star Newspaper was created in 1847. There was a bit of discomfort around Douglas creating his publication because of his competitor the Liberator. The liberator was run by William Lloyd Garrison who was a Caucasian man who also fought for the abolishing of slavery and women’s rights.  


However, Fredrick Douglas had published several pieces in William Lloyd Garrison’s publication, and they ended up forming a good friendship. So, when Fredrick Douglas said he was going to start his own newspaper Garrison asked him not to know that he would lose many followers. However, Fredric Douglas went through with it and as William Lloyd Garrison predicted he ended up losing many followers, this led to the end of his publication and the end of their friendship. 


The age of the Black press was one of impact and longevity. There would be countless publications that were owned and operated by African and American men. Publications like The Peoples Advocate and The Colored American paved the way for Black voices to be heard. Without publications like these the journalistic community would still be behind a lot when it came to understanding different opinions.