Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Collateral Murder Reaction


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The Collateral Murder video was meant to demonstrate the problems of war and the inaccuracies that lead to catastrophic death. The video started by telling the viewers a little bit about some of the victims and their career, one of whom was Namir Noor-Eldeen who was an acclaimed Iraq war photographer. 

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His and some of his colleagues were going out to shoot some shoots for the day when they were spotted by a Military drone. You can hear in the video that the officers are discussing the best force of action to attack the people on the ground. They finally say that they are carrying guns however, it is actually a camera. After they rain down gun shots effectively killing everyone on the street they notice Namir Noor-Eldeen trying to escape however, he is shot and fatally killed. 

                                                                Photo: The New York Times

Once Officers touch down on the scene they noice that there are two children in the back of the failed resume van. The children are injured and taken to a hospital. This video was extremely difficult to watch because of the things that are taking place in the video. However, what makes it worse is the way that the military officers are talking about the deceased in question. Even though they think they just killed “Military Insurgent’s” it still doesn’t give  seem right to be laughing about having taken a life. Though this video is hard to watch it brings light to many harsh realities and flaws within the military community. 

                                                                   Photo: New York Daily News

The main one being the fact that our military need to make sure that their intel is rock solid. The video equipment they are using doesn’t have very high resolution so for the officers to repeatedly say that they were carrying assault rifles is just impossible to tell. Additionally the way that the drone shots were doing out it wasn’t controlled at all there were shots going everywhere which opens up the door for many innocent people to be killed which we saw happen. This video was extremely eye opening and It helps start important conversations about the future.

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