Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Good Night and Good Luck Review


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The film Good Hight and Good Luck was a full that was written and directed by George Clooney and Grand Heslov. The film takes place in the late 50’s and it tells the story of  CBS reporter Edward Murrow and his producer Fred Friendly. Throughout the film they talk about the the current communist scandal with a senator who was campaigning. Edward Murrow in the film has a hard time battling with what to do with the information he discovers and the best way to handle the situation. Furthermore, it follows different employees and the way that exposing and talking about the senator has effected their job. 



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The movie was very interesting because it gave a glimpse into the life of journalists at the time and they ways they worked. It also showed how at the time they have a lot stricter rules and a lot more red tape. Especially on the things that they said. I particularly enjoyed one scene when one of the main characters Edward Murrow drops a huge bomb on his show and during that time viewers were allowed to call in.   


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However, after he did this there are no calls coming in so everyone is scrambling around trying to figure out whey there are no call coming in. Especially since some of them put heir jobs on the line. Until one of the employees realizes that the has something unplugged and then the calls start flooding in. I really enjoyed their movie because it showed the hard work and dedication that  journalists put into their work at that time they didn’t have all of the resources that we have today so they hade to work diligently to ensure their work and information was well vetted.

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