Thursday, January 27, 2022

How I found My Calling

When I was younger, I was always told that I had a continually active imagination. I would create elaborate story lines with my dolls and entertain my cousins with crazy stories. Though I knew that I loved to write and read it never really accrued to me that I had this passion and skill for storytelling. In my spare time I would write fiction stories in my notebook or in class even though about all of this I still maintained, however, that I wanted to be a teacher when I grew up.

As I got older, and I started to excel in all my English classes and started to write more creatively and as I began to get better and better at writing I realized that the thought of being a teacher did not bring me the same joy that it once did. However, I knew that to be a freelance writer it was an exceedingly difficult career choice to pursue, but I knew that I loved it, so I was willing to work at it and put in the work that it required.

So, I would write and go to my teachers for advice on how I could make it better and improve my writing. It was not until one of my teachers told me that I could really be a great writer one day that I fully decided that I was going to pursue a writing career I just still was not sure how I would do this.
One afternoon I was talking with my high school English teacher and asking him about how I could go about pursuing this career. He was honest with me that it would be difficult even though I had the skills a because it takes a long time to become an established writer.
As I was sitting there letting his words sink in, he finally spoke again and said, “Have you ever thought about being a journalist?” I immediately said that that was not a field that I wanted to go into because I did not want to be on tv.

I think at the time I had this idea of what a journalist was and that consisted of standing in front of a green screen and telling you what your afternoon traffic would be like or standing outside trying to hang onto an umbrella whilst in the middle of a hurricane. It did not seem like a field that I would be happy in and would not let me express the creative side of myself.

He then told me that I would not have to be on TV, which shocked me and honestly, I did not really believe him. But I still investigated it and I realized that I could pursue all my passions which are writing, educating people, storytelling, and most of all helping others. There have been so many times that I have read an article and it was so dense and confusing that I just gave up.
I want to be the kind of Journalist that is for everyone, I want to seek the truth and hold my work to an extremely high standard that at the same time I want to be a journalist for the people. Especially since I plan to specialize in criminal journalism and report crimes.

With this there also needs to be a section level of compassion for my work. Though I will love what I will do I will stain be showing up on what could be a person's worst day at the same time I want to be a journalist for the people. Especially since I plan to specialize in criminal journalism and report crimes. With this there also needs to be a section level of compassion for my work.

Though I will love what I will do I will stain be showing up on what could be a person's worst day and asking them to talk to me about it. So, because of this there needs to be a bit of a heart in the way that I convey the information; because I believe that as much as it is about a story the story is about people as well, who deserve to be treated as such.

Since I have been here at a High Point I have not once second guessed my decision to be a Journalism major. It is where I am supposed to be, and I know that I if I put in the work and am willing to learn all that I can. I know that one day I will be able to be a great journalist and make an impact on someone in some way.